Source: Courtesy of Viviscal
Your client has asked for your help with their hair loss. Now what? As a hair professional, you are often your clients’ first contact when it comes to hair issues. Learning how to analyze hair and provide helpful advice will build trust with your clients and improve their confidence. Keep reading to learn how to perform a detailed hair analysis and when it’s necessary to bring in outside help.
10 Key Measures Of Healthy Hair
For each client, take a look at their hair and scalp and make note of the key measures below. If you notice any abnormal changes, gently let your client know. Remember that you have a close-up view of your client’s hair and scalp that they cannot access, so it’s important that you share any concerns you have as soon as possible:
1.Texture –fine, medium, or coarse
2.Scalp abrasions, irritation, or eruptions
3.Contagious scalp disorders
4.Evidence of prior chemical treatment
5.Porosity –ability to absorb liquid
6.Density –amount of hair per square inch
7.Length –short, medium, or long
8.Form –straight, wavy, curly
9.Natural color –in nape at the scalp
10.Percentage of unpigmented hair
Recognizing Signs Of Androgenetic Alopecia
Many cases of hair loss are caused by androgenetic alopecia, otherwise known as male or female pattern baldness. This form of hair loss is gradual and usually genetic in origin. As a salon professional, recognizing common signs of androgenetic alopecia can help indicate whether your clients’ hair loss can be addressed at the salon or if it needs to be referred to a physician. Remember, you should not diagnose health conditions. You are simply investigating whether your client may be experiencing symptoms. If you notice that your client is experiencing hair loss, ask these questions to get a better idea of whether or not their hair loss is androgenetic:
●Ask questions about your client’s family history. If your client has any close relatives with androgenetic alopecia, they are more likely to develop the condition.
●Ask whether the hair loss has been gradual over several years or if it was sudden and patchy.
●Ask your clients if there are many hairs left on their hairbrush after combing their hair or in their shower drain after shampooing.
●For male clients with thinning at the crown, ask if the spot has thinned suddenly or gradually over time.
●For male clients with frontal balding, ask if the hairline has receded suddenly or gradually over time.
●For female clients with long hair, ask if the diameter of their ponytail has become smaller over the years.
●For female clients, ask if they’ve noticed that their part is gradually widening.
If your client responds that their hair loss has been gradual, or that they are noticing more hair fall after brushing or washing, or that hair loss runs in their family, chances are they are experiencing androgenetic hair loss. For proper diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia, recommend that your client consult his or her physician.
When To Refer Clients To A Specialist
If your client’s scalp color or condition appears abnormal, do not attempt any services. Performing services on a compromised scalp can often worsen the condition. Instead, suggest that your client see their physician or dermatologist. When there is no apparent scalp abnormality and your client does not appear to have androgenetic hair loss, the hair loss may be caused by nutritional deficiency, medications, stress, or other physiological changes. Only a qualified medical practitioner can diagnose causes or types of hair loss.
The Easy Way To Conceal Hair Loss
The good news is, once your client receives a diagnosis, you can definitely help them to regain their confidence with thicker, fuller-looking hair. XFusion Keratin Hair Fibers offer a simple solution for anyone looking to conceal areas of hair thinning. The hair fibers are made of organic keratin, the same protein as human hair, and cling to existing hairs with a sturdy electromagnetic charge. This makes existing hair look thicker and fuller –instantly. And since the fibers are so similar to human hair, they’re actually undetectable up to two inches away. Your clients will be thrilled with this easy cosmetic solution for hair loss.