Source: Courtesy of Matrix/Dan Csicsai, Alfredo Lewis, Michelle O’Connor
Credit: Eric Vaughn @realericvaughn
Lightener: Light Master Bonder Insider & 20 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
Lowlights: Equal parts Color Sync 8N & 8G & 10 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
Root Tap: Equal parts 8N & 10V & 10 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
Toner: Equal parts Color Sync SPA & SPV & SPP & 10 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
Face Frame Toner: 1:1 Color Sync 11P & 10 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
- To achieve this look, weave highlights and lowlights throughout the entire head, keeping the face frame lighter with back to back slices.
- Process until desired level is achieved or up to 50 minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly.
- Shampoo and towel dry hair.
- Section out face frame and clip for control.
- Working outside the face frame section, apply root tap formula to the base to all other hair and the toner formula from mid-lengths to ends.
- Next, release face frame section and apply face frame formula from base to ends. This formula is lighter and will provide the extra lightness desired.
- Process for 10 minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly, cleanse and condition with Total Results Keep Me Vivid shampoo and conditioner.

Credit: Dan Csicsai @dancsicsaihair
Lightener Formula: 1:1 Light Master + 20 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
Toner Formula: 1:1 Color Sync SPV + 10 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
- Starting in the back, working in diagonal sub-section, utilize a 2-point balayage technique and freehand paint the lightener formula to the mids and ends.
- Repeat this method of application throughout the entire head.
- Process to a yellow-tone or up to 50 minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly, cleanse with SoSilver shampoo and towel dry.
- Next, apply toner formula on pre-lightened hair and process up to 20 minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly, cleanse and condition using Total Results Color Obsessed shampoo and conditioner.
Credit: Eric Vaughn @realericvaughn
Lightener Formula: Light Master Bonder Inside with varying developer strengths
Toner Formula: 1:1 Color Sync SPV & 10 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
The Platinum Card technique is for the client that wants to be lighter globally and achieve the greatest amount of lift in one session.
- Begin by taking a slice that is a 1/8-inch section, place hair on foil and apply lightener formula from scalp to ends.
- Mastery Point: Since this technique will be repeated throughout the entire head it is recommended to start with a lower developer and increase developer strength as you make you way up the head.
- Once you have completed foiling the entire head, apply fresh lightener formula to the base between all the foils.
- Process until desired level is achieved or up to 50 minutes at room temperature.
- Rinse thoroughly, cleanse with Total Results SoSilver shampoo and towel dry.
- Next, apply your toner formula to the base and then to the mids and ends.
- Process up to 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly cleanse and condition using Total Results Color Obsessed shampoo and conditioner.

Credit: Dan Csicsai, Alfredo Lewis & Michelle O’Connor
@dancsicsaihair @alfredo_lewis @michelleoconnorbeauty
Lightener Formula: Light Master Bonder Inside + Freehand Additive + 20 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
Toner A: Equal parts Color Sync 7MM + Clear + 10 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
- Create a horseshoe-shaped section on top of head.
- Next, staring over the left eye, take a diagonal sub-section and free hand paint the lightener formula to the mids and ends.
- Feather the formula up towards the base.
- Continue to work diagonally across the section.
- Once complete process until desired level is achieved or up to 50 minutes.
- Rinse, cleanse and towel dry.
- Next, apply toner formula to the base area then to the mids and ends.
- Process up to 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly, cleanse and condition using Total Results Color Obsessed shampoo and conditioner.
Credit: Michelle O’Connor @michelleoconnorbeauty
Lightener Formula: 1:1 Light Master Bonder Inside + 20 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
Base Formula: 1:1 SoColor 8AA + 30 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
Toner A: 1:1 Color Sync 7M + 10 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
Toner B: Equal parts Color Sync 10M + Clear + 10 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
- Strategically select curl sections and balayage by applying lightener formula to mids and ends, feathering up towards the base.
- Next, apply base formula globally to the scalp area.
- Process up to 50 minutes, rinse thoroughly, cleanse using Total Results Brass Off shampoo and towel dry.
- Next, apply toner formula A to the base area and toner formula B to the mids and ends. Process up to 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly, cleanse and condition using Total Results Color Obsessed shampoo and conditioner.

Credit: Manuela Martial @vivalaglamstudio
Lightener Formula: 1:1 Light Master + 30 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
Toner Formula: 1:1 Color Sync 8M + 10 Volume Matrix Cream Developer
- Take ½-inch sub-sections and weave baby-fine sections of hair, place on foil and apply lightener formula from scalp to ends.
- Repeat this method of application throughout the entire head.
- Mastery Point: To create a subtle dimension be sure your weave is super fine strands of hair.
- Process until desired level of lightness is achieved or up to 50 minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly and cleanse with Total Results Color Obsessed shampoo and towel dry.
- Next, apply toner formula from base to ends, process up to 20 minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly cleanse and condition using Total Result Color Obsessed shampoo and conditioner.
Shop The Story
Matrix Light Master Bonder Inside
Matrix 20 Volume Cream Developer
Matrix 10 Volume Cream Developer
Matrix Color Sync
Matrix SoColor
Matrix Total Results Brass Off Shampoo
Matrix Total Results Color Obsessed Shampoo
Matrix Total Results Keep Me Vivid Shampoo
Matrix Total Results Keep Me Vivid Conditioner